
Mähönen is a Finnish kalsaritalo, which started from the dream of three childhood friends in Helsinki. Since 2010, Mähönen has focused on manufacturing high-quality trousers that are suitable for all situations in life. In the brand's philosophy, quality is the number one priority, and their goal is to make the world's best kilts.

Mähönen had an old WooCommerce online store that had reached the end of its life cycle. Constant technical problems undermined the customer experience, and the store did not produce the desired results. The usability of the online store suffered, and sales did not meet expectations.

First, we implemented the migration of the WooCommerce online store to the Shopify platform and built a completely new Shopify online store for Mähönen. This laid the foundation for a smoother customer experience and reliable online shopping. After this, we started the marketing measures, which consisted of Meta and Google advertising and search engine optimization (SEO).

Since the beginning of our cooperation, Mähönen's sales have increased by more than 300%. The results have been impressive:

  • Sales growth +306% (01.10.2022–01.08-2024) compared to the previous year.
  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) was 450%, which means that every euro invested in advertising generates 4.5 euros in sales.
  • Advertising platforms: Meta (Facebook & Instagram) and Google.

Mähönen has achieved significant results in increasing sales, and online store optimization combined with strategic marketing has produced excellent results.

Our implementations

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Meidänkauppa – Varainhankintaa ja hyväntekeväisyyttä tukemassa uudessa Shopify-verkkokaupassa

Meidänkauppa – Varainhankintaa ja hyväntekeväisyyttä tukemassa uudessa Shopify-verkkokaupassa

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Herman's Amazing – Kirkkaat ja vegaaniset hiusvärit maailmanlaajuisesti nyt uudessa Shopify-verkkokaupassa

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