
In the world of online shopping, even small details matter a lot.

In order for an online store to consistently produce results, the sum of many different factors is required. One of these is getting the Shopify checkout and payment process right.

Start optimizing your Shopify checkout by avoiding these most common mistakes that cause even the most potential customers to back off at the very end, i.e. before making a payment.

Double your online store sales in a week by avoiding these mistakes:

1. Surprising costs just before payment

Even if the costs are not very high in relation to the purchases, if the customer encounters unexpected costs, such as postage, delivery costs or taxes, the result will most likely be the abandonment of the Shopping Cart.

The same is evident from several surveys and by looking at the statistics of online stores.

Because transparency and predictability are clearly key, itemize all expenses right away in the shopping cart instead of popping up just moments before payment.

2. Requiring registration at checkout

Most customers expect a quick and straightforward payment process, and mandatory registration at checkout slows this down.

If you want to sell as much as possible, give the customer the opportunity to create an account and encourage him to do so through, for example, a discount, but don't unnecessarily complicate the purchase by making registration mandatory.

3. The checkout has too many pages or too much content

As already mentioned, we live in a world where ease and speed are trumps. Many times purchases are also made based on feeling rather than need.

For these reasons, it is important that the customer can complete the purchase quickly and with as little effort as possible, and at the time of their choice.

Improve sales opportunities by turning the Shopify checkout into a single page, minimizing the amount of information to be filled in to mandatory ones, removing unnecessary fields and buttons, and making the checkout page visually clear and simple.

4. Your online store does not inspire confidence

It may be that your products are interesting, but the customer's doubts about the reliability of the online store only arise when they are faced with the payment.

For example, older people may be afraid of giving out their card details at checkout and having them leaked, and your online store can feed that fear.

The problem with self-made online shopping is often various small errors and shortcomings, which make the shop look unprofessional and dysfunctional in the eyes of the customer.

You can avoid the problem by optimizing your online store or by asking a Shopify partner and a Shopify expert to create an efficient and unified implementation for you that inspires trust in the customer.

5. No suitable payment methods are available

Referring to the previous point, make sure that your online store uses the customer's preferred payment methods.

In Finland, by far the most popular way to pay is online banking, and sometimes its absence can cause mistrust.

In addition, if there are no familiar payment methods, it is more difficult for the customer to pay immediately.

For example, through Paytrail, an entrepreneur can easily access e.g. online bank payments and a one-page Shopify checkout. Visma Pay is also a viable option for domestic online shopping.

6. Delivery times are too long

Although you cannot influence the delivery of mail, you can speed up delivery by sending online store orders as quickly as possible from your warehouse.

Today, this should no longer take several days, and certainly not weeks. The most efficient online stores ship orders on the day they are placed or at the latest the next day, and this is what more and more customers expect.

If you want to get the customer to buy in the future as well, your online store must meet the customer's expectations regarding the delivery time.

Less important, but still relevant, is to offer several delivery options at the checkout of your Shopify store.

If you offer fast delivery times or process orders exceptionally quickly, let the customer know.

7. The Shopify checkout has bugs or the site crashes

The customer's experience in the online store must be seamless from start to finish.

Sometimes the payment process is interrupted for reasons caused by the customer himself, and you can't do anything about it (except to implement targeted advertising later).

But if your online store doesn't run like a glove or there are problems with the Shopify checkout, you'll lose customers to your competitors for nothing.

The customer is unlikely to return if the purchase was rushed, your company is not a particularly unique option compared to competitors, or if your online store gave a bad impression.

So invest in a functioning and lightning-fast online store by first getting it from a high-quality manufacturer - it will pay for itself.

8. There is room for improvement in return practices

Clarify, expand and update your return policy in accordance with current legislation. Online store return practices are regulated by both EU and consumer protection legislation.

Make sure the return policy is easy to find. Also advertise possible free returns and/or exchanges around the online store.

You should also try extending the return period. It may be more effective to offer a return period of 30 days or longer instead of the statutory 14 days, because it lowers the threshold to buy.

Shopify POS and Shopify checkout - what's the difference?

Shopify POS and Shopify checkout are both payment products, but they have different purposes.

Shopify POS (Point Of Sale) is designed especially for brick-and-mortar stores, as it enables on-site sales. The Shopify cash register is intended and tailored specifically for the needs of e-commerce.

If you have both an online store and a brick-and-mortar store, you can use both systems. However, many entrepreneurs already have a separate cash and ERP system before setting up an online store.

To improve sales, you should integrate these with the Shopify checkout as early as possible.

Although sales do not directly increase with the integration, a large part of the manual work is eliminated and the risk of errors is reduced. This, in turn, means more customers who are satisfied and thus considering returning, and more time to focus on productive things, such as digital marketing for online stores, instead of administrative tasks.

Optimize your Shopify checkout and online store for success

The digital agency Growly specializes in Shopify online stores and thus also in optimizing the Shopify checkout. Thanks to our cooperation , our customers in different fields have repeatedly seen sales increase 2-10 times even in a very short time.

A functioning Shopify checkout is of course only part of the success equation. The entire online store and sales funnel must be in order if you want to achieve lasting results.

Whether you need a Shopify online store or help getting sales started, we've got you covered. We also help to automate your online store with integrations .

Contact us via the form below and we'll see together how we could take your business to the next level.

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