
Vanelja's online store offers feel-good inspiration and creative solutions for healthy eating and feeling good.

Even though Vanelja had inspiring products ready, visitors to the online store did not convert into buyers often enough.

When we met social media influencer Vanelja, we made a comprehensive survey of the situation at the time and drew up a plan to improve online store conversion.


Vanelja, a social media influencer with more than 150 thousand followers, contacted us because online store visitors did not often turn into buyers. Although Vanelja had inspiring products, there were other problems in the implementation of the online store.

We arranged a meeting with Vanelja, during which we went more deeply through the situation at that time and the analytics of the online store. Since our goal was clear as day (improving the conversion rate of the online store), we immediately got down to business.

When we started the process, we first improved the shop section of the online store. We added shopping paths to the store, i.e. product page, shopping cart and checkout. We also changed the former, blog-like front page to a format suitable for an online store. Finally, we added product sliders, from which it will be easy for the website visitor to go to the online store from the end of the blog article he has read.


After several months of cooperation, we have increased the conversion of Vanelja's online store by 200%. Previously, the conversion rate of online shopping was around 0.6%, but thanks to conversion optimization, it has risen to the current 1.8-2.4%.

The conversion rate is a percentage that measures the conversion of website visitors into customers. For example, a 2% conversion means that 2 out of 100 visitors make a purchase decision.

Read Vanelja's comments about our activities:

"Cooperation with Growly was very smooth and things progressed at a good pace. Answers to emails came quickly and the work was completed on the agreed schedule, if not faster. It was a pleasure to put my website and online store in capable hands. Growly's professionalism was visible in everything I did."

- Virpi Mikkonen, Vanelja

Our implementations

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