
Tallipihan Suklaapuoti & Growly: Cooperation produces 935% advertising revenue

Tallipihan Suklaapuoti is a good chocolatier's company that will win the hearts of gourmets. When they wanted to expand their digital footprint, they turned to Growly. The results speak for themselves: our cooperation has produced an incredible 935% return on advertising (ROAS), and we will continue our successful cooperation in the field of digital advertising.

The Power of Meta and Google Advertising

At the beginning of our cooperation, we set strict goals for both Meta and Google advertising. When these two forces combined, we achieved a whopping 935% ROAS.

Meta advertising

Meta-advertising has proven to be particularly profitable, and our campaigns on Facebook and Instagram have resonated strongly with the target audience.

Google advertising

Google advertising has also been a key part of our marketing strategy, which has supported the growth of e-commerce traffic and helped reach new customers.

Continuous cooperation

Impressive ROAS figures are only the tip of the iceberg. Our cooperation with Tallipiha Suklaapuodi is long-term and focuses on achieving continuous success in the field of digital marketing.

The role of the customer

It is important to emphasize that the success of our cooperation is not a coincidence. Tallipihan Suklaapuoti is actively committed to our joint project, and the efforts of both parties are clearly visible in the results.


Tallipihan Suklaapuoti and Growly have collaborated to achieve exceptional results in digital advertising.

If you want to know how your business could benefit from similar success, contact us at Growly.

We look forward to seeing what the future holds!

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