Aito Luontaiskauppa is a health store with a long tradition. Their story began 37 years ago when a small 20-square-meter brick-and-mortar store opened its doors in the center of Kouvola. Over the years, the retail space has grown to 100 square meters, and the product range has expanded from a few hundred products to a selection of over 3000 products. Now they serve customers nationwide also through their online store.
One thing, however, has not changed: Aito Luontaiskauppa still operates in Kouvola, and their passion remains meeting and assisting customers personally.
Problem: Challenges of the old online store and the need to migrate to the Shopify platform
Aito Luontaiskauppa was using a WooCommerce online store, but there were issues with the smoothness of the purchase path and product data management. The customer wanted to update their online store by switching to Shopify to ensure a smoother user experience and clearer, more easily manageable product data.
Implementation: Data Migration and New E-commerce Development
We started the project by transferring the data from the old WooCommerce store to Shopify, ensuring that all information was transferred securely. At the same time, we fixed the issues in the purchase path of the old online store and built a new, modern online store that aligns with the Aito Luontaiskauppa brand. Product data was also organized and simplified to make it easily manageable and clear from the customers' perspective.
Solution: Satisfied customer and functional online store
The new online store not only solved the problems of the old store but also updated the visual appearance to be fresh and pleasant. The customer was extremely satisfied with the result and continues to collaborate with us on Google and Meta marketing.
Customer feedback: "Extremely flexible and super helpful service. High quality level, and even the smallest details are refined to the end. I definitely recommend!" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TIGERSNUS – Online store renewal to support sustainable development and smoke-free alternatives
Kaiko – Fashion for the sake of doing good