
TIGERSNUS is dedicated to creating sustainable and environmentally friendly products that help people quit smoking. Their goal is to offer high-quality smoke-free options while minimizing environmental impact and maintaining organic purity as much as possible. TIGERSNUS aims to promote smoke-free societies and protect non-smokers from the harm of passive smoking.


TIGERSNUS already had an existing Shopify online store that ran on the old Shopify 1.0 version. The online store suffered from several bugs and usability problems that hindered the customer experience and sales. Because of these challenges, it was decided that building a completely new theme and updating the store to Shopify 2.0 would be the best solution.


We renewed the TIGERSNUS online store, improving its functionality and customer experience. This redesign provided customers with a better user interface and a smoother shopping experience, supporting TIGERSNUS' efforts to provide high-quality smoke-free products.


With the new online store, TIGERSNUS will be able to offer its customers even better service and facilitate their goal of creating smoke-free alternatives that support a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

Customer comments

"Having gone through two website projects with Growly, I can give a strong recommendation based on my own experience. Growly's team found expertise in both back end and front end without forgetting optimization. An easy choice when I think about the implementer of the next project."

Our implementations

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